
IBM Cognitive Couture


IBM Cognitive Couture

Case Study

To showcase the capabilities of Watson — an AI from IBM, we got him to design the world’s first cognitive couture collection with the help of Jason Grech, an Australian fashion designer. The collection was successfully launched at the Melbourne Spring Fashion Week. We also used Watson to do a real-time mapping of street fashion trends and provide invaluable insights for fashion brands.

Cannes Lions / Finalist / Innovation
One Show / Merit / PR
Effie APAC / Silver / IT & Telco
LIA / Finalist / PR
Tangrams / Silver / B2B
Creative Circle Awards / Gold / Brand Experience & Activation
Creative Circle Awards / Gold / Brand Experience & Activation
Creative Circle Awards / Gold / Brand Experience & Activation
Creative Circle Awards / Bronze / Direct
Creative Circle Awards / Finalist / Innovation
Creative Circle Awards / Finalist / Outdoor
Creative Circle Awards / Finalist / Cyber

Covered by: Vogue, BBC, Quartz

IBM Street Fashion

Brand Film

Concept Video

Print Ad

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Cognitive Couture Collection
Presentation Board