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Food Influencers Tasting Dog Food


 Food Influencers Tasting Dog Food

Furry’s Kitchen - Case Study Video

Furry's Kitchen dog food shares the same suppliers as top local restaurants, yet Singaporeans had a negative perception of dog food. To prove that Furry’s Kitchen’s products are fresh and tasty, we partnered with a celebrated chef to invite top food influencers, the #1 authority on food, for a restaurant tasting. They didn't know it was dog food. And they loved it, taking to the internet to sing praises of the sumptuous three-course meal. We revealed our stunt online, garnering local and international media attention. This led to 746% more online followers and 17.8% new customers for the brand, showing that if the food influencers liked this food, your dog will love it.

One Show / Bronze / Social Media
Cannes Lions / Finalist / Brand Experience & Activation
Cannes Lions / Finalist / Brand Experience & Activation
LIA / Bronze / Branded Entertainment
Effie Singapore / Gold / David vs Goliath
Effie Singapore / Silver / Pet Care
Effie Singapore / Bronze / Branded Content

Covered by: Straits Times, CNA938, Bandt, Campaign Asia, Adobo, Campaign Brief Asia

Furry’s Kitchen - Online Video

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